How To Prevent an Electrical Fire

With rising global temperatures and many parts of the UK bathing in the hot weather. It is important to remember that rising heat in your business can easily lead to severe damage of equipment or worst still, a fire. Preventing a fire early on is easier than dealing with it at the time.

The best advice that we can give when assessing your fire safety procedure for your company is

  • Do not overload your plugs and extension leads to the mains.
  • Keep plug sockets and any high risk items out of direct sunlight.
  • Avoid touching shiny materials as these surfaces absorb and retain heat for a period of time.
  • Keep any types of ignition and source separate.

When looking at fire safety risk assessments, take it back to basics and consider the fire triangle. The fire triangle relies on three things to start a fire. A fire needs heat, fuel and oxygen. A fire cannot start without the other.

The Law

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 covers general fire safety in England and Wales. In this section it outlines what each company should be looking for when carrying out a fire risk assessment. It also sheds light on basic fire safety in the day to day running of each business. For what it’s worth, it is worth checking your lease or tenancy agreement as it can usually state in the document whether it is your responsibility or your landlords when it comes to electrical testing.

Intersafe specialise in Fixed Wire Testing, Portable Appliance Testing and Thermal Imaging, if you have any questions or simply would like to book a free of charge site survey, email