How often should you get a thermal imaging survey?
Business owners and landlords have a duty of care to maintain their electrical systems to ensure the safety
Business owners and landlords have a duty of care to maintain their electrical systems to ensure the safety
Emergency lighting is important in any business as it shows people where to go should there be a fire or other emergency.
To ensure the safety of your business premises, employees, and customers, it’s important that all electrical equipment is safe to use.
If you are responsible for health and safety or building maintenance on a university campus, electrical testing is
PAT testing ensures the safety of electrical appliances in your hotel. In large, complex premises with busy operations,
What does a thermography survey cover? Here’s a quick guide to thermal imaging and what to expect from your survey.
With energy costs soaring, many businesses are looking to cut costs and reduce bills when it comes to
Whether you’re a business, landlord or organisation, Fixed Wire Testing is essential to maintain the safety of your
Here’s a guide to EICR codes and which ones mean that your installation could be dangerous.
Electrical faults in any building are dangerous and disruptive, but in schools, the consequences can be more severe. With a large number of children and young adults in one place, the impact of a severe electrical fault can be tragic.
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Professional electrical compliance specialists, providing Fixed Wire Testing and remedials, PAT Testing, Thermal Imaging, Emergency Light Testing and LED Lighting Installation services.
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